
Interior Painting

Interior Painting

Our excellent work ethic has kept us in business primarily by “word-of-mouth” referrals for all these years. We hold ourselves to very high standards and pride ourselves on our well known reputation. Our loyal customers have come to expect the best and we work hard to ensure they are completely satisfied with every project our interior painters specialize in staining, painting, wall repair, ceiling repair, and wallpaper removal.

Preparation is key in all painting projects. Our painters will cover carpets, remove wall hangings and move and cover furniture. We work with you to decide what types of paints and colors meet your decorating needs. Additionally, after each painting project is completed we place everything back in its original location.

Interior Painting Process:
This process starts at the estimate and is continued with our professional painting crews that will be working with you on your project. When Mile high painting solutions paints your interior you can expect the following:

Process 1

An arranged time to complete your work that is mutually agreed upon

Process 2

Professional applicators that take pride in their work

Process 3

Thorough surface preparation before any materials are applied

Process 4

Job site kept neat and clean while the work is in progress

Process 5

Colors to match your requirements

Process 6

Two coat application for all color changes and premium grade products

We can use Green paints upon request!

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Why you Should Hire Us For yours Interior Painting Needs?

For your home's interior house painting, design and durability are important factors. You want to make sure the job works well with your interior decor, is done neatly and completely, and without damage to your ceilings, floors, woodwork and furnishings.

The best thing for you to do, is contact our company. Mile high painting solutions, Inc will help paint both the interior and exterior of your home, and eliminate any problems or stress for yourself.

Ready to get started? 303-944-6979